Category:Articles in need of examples
From NWN Lexicon
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Pages in category "Articles in need of examples"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 226 total.
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- GetAbilityBonusLimit
- GetAbilityPenaltyLimit
- GetAreaLightColor
- GetAttackBonusLimit
- GetCampaignJson
- GetCreatureExploresMinimap
- GetDamageBonusLimit
- GetEffectCasterLevel
- GetEffectDuration
- GetFeatRemainingUses
- GetGamePauseState
- GetHiddenWhenEquipped
- GetIsInKnownSpellList
- GetIsPlayerConnectionRelayed
- GetIsPlayerDM
- GetIsValidJmp
- GetItemPropertyDuration
- GetItemPropertyDurationRemaining
- GetItemPropertyUsesPerDayRemaining
- GetKnownSpellCount
- GetKnownSpellId
- GetLastGuiEventVector
- GetLastPlayerToSelectTarget
- GetLastSpellLevel
- GetLocalJson
- GetMemorizedSpellCountByLevel
- GetMemorizedSpellId
- GetMemorizedSpellIsDomainSpell
- GetMemorizedSpellMetaMagic
- GetMemorizedSpellReady
- GetObjectByUUID
- GetObjectUiDiscoveryMask
- GetObjectUUID
- GetObjectVisibleDistance
- GetObjectVisualTransform
- GetPCItemLastEquippedSlot
- GetPCItemLastUnequippedSlot
- GetPlayerBuildVersionCommitSha1
- GetPlayerBuildVersionMajor
- GetPlayerBuildVersionMinor
- GetPlayerBuildVersionPostfix
- GetPlayerDevicePlatform
- GetPlayerDeviceProperty
- GetPlayerLanguage
- GetRandomUUID
- GetSavingThrowBonusLimit
- GetScriptBacktrace
- GetScriptChunk
- GetScriptName
- GetScriptRecursionLevel
- GetSkillBonusLimit
- GetSoundset
- GetSpecialization
- GetSpellCastSpontaneously
- GetSpellFeatId
- GetSpellLevelByClass
- GetSpellUsesLeft
- GetTargetingModeSelectedObject
- GetTargetingModeSelectedPosition
- GetTickRate
- GetTileExplored
- GetTileHeight
- GetTileID
- GetTileOrientation
- JsonArrayDel
- JsonArrayGet
- JsonArrayGetRange
- JsonArrayInsert
- JsonArraySet
- JsonArrayTransform
- JsonBool
- JsonDiff
- JsonFind
- JsonFloat
- JsonGetError
- JsonGetFloat
- JsonGetInt
- JsonGetLength
- JsonGetString
- JsonGetType
- JsonInt
- JsonMerge
- JsonNull
- JsonObject
- JsonObjectDel
- JsonObjectKeys
- JsonObjectSet
- JsonParse
- JsonPatch
- JsonPointer
- JsonSetOp
- JsonString
- NuiAspect
- NuiBind
- NuiButton
- NuiButtonImage
- NuiButtonSelect
- NuiChart
- NuiChartSlot
- NuiCheck
- NuiCol
- NuiColor
- NuiColorPicker
- NuiCombo
- NuiComboEntry
- NuiCreate
- NuiCreateFromResRef
- NuiDestroy
- NuiDrawList
- NuiDrawListArc
- NuiDrawListCircle
- NuiDrawListCurve
- NuiDrawListImage
- NuiDrawListPolyLine
- NuiDrawListText
- NuiEnabled
- NuiGetBind
- NuiGetEventArrayIndex
- NuiGetEventElement
- NuiGetEventPlayer
- NuiGetEventType
- NuiGetEventWindow
- NuiGetNthBind
- NuiGetNthWindow
- NuiGetUserData
- NuiGetWindowId
- NuiGroup
- NuiHeight
- NuiId
- NuiImage
- NuiList
- NuiListTemplateCell
- NuiMargin
- NuiPadding
- NuiProgress
- NuiRect
- NuiRow
- NuiSetBind
- NuiSetBindWatch
- NuiSetGroupLayout
- NuiSetUserData
- NuiSlider
- NuiSliderFloat
- NuiStyleForegroundColor
- NuiText
- NuiTextEdit
- NuiTooltip
- NuiVec
- NuiVisible
- NuiWidth
- NuiWindow
- SetAbilityBonusLimit
- SetAbilityPenaltyLimit
- SetAge
- SetAreaLightColor
- SetAreaLightDirection
- SetAttackBonusLimit
- SetCameraFlags
- SetCameraLimits
- SetCampaignJson
- SetCommandingPlayer
- SetCreatureExploresMinimap
- SetDamageBonusLimit
- SetEffectIconFlashing
- SetEnterTargetingModeData
- SetGameActivePause
- SetGender
- SetJmp
- SetLocalJson
- SetMaterialShaderUniformInt
- SetMaterialShaderUniformVec4