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Defined in: nw_inc_gff.nss


Constant Brief Description
GFF_FIELD_TYPE_* Constants
GffCreateObject Create a empty object of the given type.
GffCreateArea Create a combined area format(CAF) object.
GffGetObjectType Returns the OBJECT_TYPE_* of jGff.
GffGetIsArea Returns TRUE if jGff is a combined area format(CAF) object.
GffGetFieldExists Returns TRUE if a field named sLabel of sType exists in jGff.
GffAddStruct Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddList Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddByte Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddChar Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddWord Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddShort Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddDword Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddInt Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddDword64 Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddInt64 Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddFloat Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddDouble Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddResRef Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddString Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffAddLocString Add a new field, will overwrite any existing fields with the same label even if the type is different.
GffReplaceStruct Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceList Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceByte Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceChar Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceWord Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceShort Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceDword Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceInt Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceDword64 Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceInt64 Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceFloat Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceDouble Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceResRef Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceString Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffReplaceLocString Replace a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveStruct Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveList Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveByte Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveChar Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveWord Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveShort Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveDword Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveInt Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveDword64 Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveInt64 Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveFloat Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveDouble Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveResRef Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveString Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffRemoveLocString Remove a field, the type must match and the field must exist.
GffGetStruct Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetList Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetByte Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetChar Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetWord Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetShort Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetDword Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetInt Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetDword64 Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetInt64 Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetFloat Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetDouble Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetResRef Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetString Get a field's value as json object.
GffGetLocString Get a field's value as json object.

See Also


Pages in category "GFF_Functions"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.