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These are sounds you would hear within a town or city.


Sound Appears Description Notes Expansion
al_cv_fanlg1 Metal Fan Large large metal object groans, scrapes Looping -
al_cv_firebowl1 Fire Bowl small fire burns and snaps Looping -
al_cv_firecamp1 Campfire medium fire burns, snaps Looping -
al_cv_firecppot1 Campfire & Pot medium fire snaps, liquid bubbles Looping -
al_cv_firelarge1 Fire Medium large fire rumbles, burns Looping -
al_cv_firepit1 Firepit medium fire burns, snaps Looping -
al_cv_fireplace1 Fireplace medium fire burns, spans, echoes Looping -
al_cv_fireplpot1 Fireplace & Pot medium fire burns, liquid boils, echoes Looping -
al_cv_fireptpot1 Firepit & Pot medium fire burns, liquid boils Looping -
al_cv_firesmldr1 Smolder Large medium fire crackles, burns Looping -
al_cv_firetorch1 Torch Fire Small fire burns, snaps, echoes Looping -
al_cv_firetorch2 Torch Fire Medium fire burns, snaps, echoes Looping -
al_cv_furnace1 Furnace furnace burns, hisses Looping -
al_cv_millwheel1 Mill Wheel large wooden machine operates Looping -
al_cv_pump Waterpump liquid gurgles, pumps in rhythm Looping -
al_cv_sewerent1 Sewer Grate water echoes in tunnel Looping -
al_cv_smithfrnc1 Smithy Furnace furnace burns, hisses, snaps Looping -
al_cv_windmill1 Windmill wood machinery groans Looping -
al_cv_x0tavr FILE MISSING OR BROKEN! Looping SoU
as_cv_barglass1 Tavern Glass Clinks glass objects clink Single Shot -
as_cv_barglass2 Tavern Glass Clinks glass objects clink Single Shot -
as_cv_barglass3 Tavern Glass Clinks glass object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_barglass4 Tavern Glass Clinks glass object strikes, breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_beamcreak1 Wood Beam Creaks wood creaks, groans, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_beamcreak2 Wood Beam Creaks wood creaks, groans, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_beamcreak3 Wood Beam Creaks wood creaks, groans, dirt settles Single Shot -
as_cv_beamcreak4 Wood Beam Creaks wood creaks, groans, dirt settles Single Shot -
as_cv_bell1 Bell Rings medium sized bell rings Single Shot -
as_cv_bell2 Bell Rings cathedral bell rings once, long Single Shot -
as_cv_bellship1 Ship Bell Rings bell rings, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_bellship2 Ship Bell Rings medium bell rings, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_belltower1 Bell Tower Rings cathedral bell rings few times Single Shot -
as_cv_belltower2 Bell Tower Rings cathedral bell rings few times Single Shot -
as_cv_belltower3 Bell Tower Rings cathedral bell rings few times Single Shot -
as_cv_bellwind1 Ship Bell Rings bell rings Single Shot -
as_cv_bldgcrumb1 Building Crumblings structure collapses Single Shot -
as_cv_bldgcrumb2 Building Crumblings snaps, structure collapses Single Shot -
as_cv_bldgcrumb3 Building Crumblings large cave in, structure collapse Single Shot -
as_cv_boilergrn1 Boiler Groans scary metal groans, heavy Single Shot -
as_cv_boilergrn2 Boiler Groans scary metal groans, heavy Single Shot -
as_cv_boomdist1 Booms Distant explosion, distant Single Shot -
as_cv_boomdist2 Booms Distant explosion, distant Single Shot -
as_cv_brickscrp1 Brick Scrapes brick, stone scraping Single Shot -
as_cv_brickscrp2 Brick Scrapes brick, stone scrapings Single Shot -
as_cv_chiseling1 Chiselings chisels, stone strikes Single Shot -
as_cv_chiseling2 Chiselings chisels, stone strikes Single Shot -
as_cv_chiseling3 Chiselings chisels, stone strikes Single Shot -
as_cv_claybreak1 Pottery Breaks small clay object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_claybreak2 Pottery Breaks medium clay object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_claybreak3 Pottery Breaks large object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_crank1 Crank Creaks Large large gears, cogs, turn Single Shot -
as_cv_drums1 drum beats, echoes, music Single Shot -
as_cv_drums2 drum taps, music Single Shot -
as_cv_eulpipe1 bagpipe notes, music Single Shot -
as_cv_eulpipe2 bagpipe notes, music Single Shot -
as_cv_flagflap flag, flapping in wind Single Shot
as_cv_florcreak1 wood, floor boards creak Single Shot -
as_cv_florcreak2 wood, floor boards creak Single Shot -
as_cv_florcreak3 wood, floor boards creak Single Shot -
as_cv_flute1 flute notes, music, song Single Shot -
as_cv_flute2 flute notes, music, song Single Shot -
as_cv_glasbreak1 Glass Breaks small glass object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_glasbreak2 Glass Breaks medium glass object shatters Single Shot -
as_cv_glasbreak3 Glass Breaks large glass object shatters Single Shot -
as_cv_gongring1 Gong Rings small gong rings Single Shot -
as_cv_gongring2 Gong Rings medium gong ring Single Shot -
as_cv_gongring3 Gong Rings large gong ring Single Shot -
as_cv_gutterspl1 City Gutter Splashes water splash, bucket emptied Single Shot -
as_cv_gutterspl2 City Gutter Splashes water splash, hiss Single Shot -
as_cv_gutterspl3 City Gutter Splashes water splash, male shout Single Shot -
as_cv_gutterspl4 City Gutter Splashes woman shouts: 'Look out...', splat Single Shot -
as_cv_hammering1 Hammerings hammers, wood Single Shot -
as_cv_hammering2 Hammerings hammers, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_hammering3 Hammerings hammers, distance Single Shot -
as_cv_lute1 lute notes, song, music Single Shot -
as_cv_lute1b lute notes, song, music Single Shot -
as_cv_minecar3 machinery dislodged, bangs, settles Single Shot -
as_cv_minepick1 Miner Pickings solitary pick, stone strikes Single Shot -
as_cv_minepick2 Miner Pickings solitary pick, stone strikes Single Shot -
as_cv_minercar1 Mine Car Workings machine object clangs, rolls Single Shot -
as_cv_minercar2 Mine Car Workings machine object clangs, rolls Single Shot -
as_cv_minercar3 Mine Car Workings machine object bangs, rolls Single Shot -
as_cv_mineshovl1 Miner Shovellings shovel digs, dirt toss Single Shot -
as_cv_mineshovl2 Miner Shovellings shovel digs, dirt toss Single Shot -
as_cv_mineshovl3 Miner Shovellings shovel bangs, digs, scrapes Single Shot -
as_cv_pipeflush1 Pipe Flushes large pipe gurgles Single Shot -
as_cv_pipeflush2 Pipe Flushes large pipe gurgles, bubbles, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_pipeflush3 Pipe Flushes large pipe gurgles, washes, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_pipegroan1 Pipe Groans metal groans Single Shot -
as_cv_pipegroan2 Pipe Groans metal groans Single Shot -
as_cv_pipegroan3 Pipe Groans metal groans Single Shot -
as_cv_pipegroan4 Pipe Groans metal groans Single Shot -
as_cv_potclang1 Pot Clangs small metal objects strike Single Shot -
as_cv_potclang2 Pot Clangs medium metal objects clang Single Shot -
as_cv_potclang3 Pot Clangs medium metal objects clang Single Shot -
as_cv_pump1 heavy bellows, pump blast, air Single Shot -
as_cv_ropecreak1 Rope Creaks rope creaks, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_ropecreak2 Rope Creaks rope twists, creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_ropecreak3 Rope Creaks rope twists, creaks, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_ropepully1 Rope & Pulley Squeaks pulley squeaks Single Shot -
as_cv_ropepully2 Rope & Pulley Squeaks pulley squeaks, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_sawing1 Sawings sawing Single Shot -
as_cv_sawing2 Sawings sawing Single Shot -
as_cv_sawing3 Sawings deep sawing Single Shot -
as_cv_sewermisc1 Sewer Gloops sludge gloops, sputters Single Shot -
as_cv_sewermisc2 Sewer Gloops sludge gloops, splashes Single Shot -
as_cv_sewermisc3 Sewer Gloops sludge gloops, bubbles, echoes Single Shot -
as_cv_shiphull1 Ship Creaks wood creaks, groans Single Shot -
as_cv_shiphull2 Ship Creaks wood creaks, groans Single Shot -
as_cv_shipsail1 Ship Sail Flutters canvas cloth flaps Single Shot -
as_cv_shipsail2 Ship Sail Flutters canvas cloth flaps, flutters Single Shot -
as_cv_shipsail3 Ship Sail Flutters canvas cloth flaps, flutters Single Shot -
as_cv_shipsail4 Ship Sail Flutters cloth flaps in wind Single Shot -
as_cv_shopfruit1 Market Wares Workings soft objects thump, roll Single Shot -
as_cv_shopjugs1 Market Wares Workings metal objects clank, clang, bubble Single Shot -
as_cv_shopmetal1 Market Wares Workings metal objects clang, jangle Single Shot -
as_cv_shopmetal2 Market Wares Workings metal objects clang, strike Single Shot -
as_cv_smithbelo1 Smithy Bellows bellows exhales Single Shot -
as_cv_smithhamr1 Smithy Hammerings metal hammer bangs Single Shot -
as_cv_smithhamr2 Smithy Hammerings metal hammer bangs Single Shot -
as_cv_smithhamr3 Smithy Hammerings metal hammer bangs Single Shot -
as_cv_smithmet1 Smithy Workings machinery bangs Single Shot -
as_cv_smithmet2 Smithy Workings metal machinery squeals Single Shot -
as_cv_smithmet3 Smithy Workings sheet metal bangs, folds Single Shot -
as_cv_smithwatr1 Smithy Workings water splashes, sizzles Single Shot -
as_cv_smithwatr2 Smithy Workings water splashes, sizzles Single Shot -
as_cv_ta-da1 ta-da note, chimes Single Shot -
as_cv_tamborine1 tamborine strikes, music Single Shot -
as_cv_watwheel water wheel, large Single Shot
as_cv_tamborine2 tamborine strikes, music Single Shot -
as_cv_watwheel wood creaks, regular water splashes Looping -
as_cv_winch1 Winch Squeak metal pulley, winch squeaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodbreak1 Wood Breaks wood object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodbreak2 Wood Breaks wood object breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodbreak3 Wood Breaks wood object crushes, breaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodcreak1 wood creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodcreak2 wood creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodframe1 Wood Creaks wood creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodframe2 Wood Creaks wood creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodrope1 wood, rope creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodrope2 wood, rope creaks Single Shot -
as_cv_woodwater1 Dock Creaks deep wood groans Single Shot -
as_cv_woodwater2 Dock Creaks deep wood groans Single Shot -
as_cv_woodwtknk1 wooden object struck, boat hull struck Single Shot -
as_cv_woodwtknk2 wooden object struck, boat hull struck Single Shot -

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel