EFFECT_ICON_* Constant Group
Constants that can be used to add new icons via. EffectIcon. They are simply line constants for effecticons.2da which can easily be altered.
You can retrieve the icon of an EFFECT_TYPE_ICON via. GetEffectInteger(eIcon, 0); however you cannot retrieve the icon of general effects (although these can be looked up, since they're otherwise hardcoded unless hidden with HideEffectIcon.
Icons have two parts - the icon file, plus a TLK reference for the string to display when moused over or in the character sheet / examine screen. The latter two areas tend to truncate so limit options.
Orange marked lines are unusable by default since they have a purple/invalid icon.
Green lines are otherwise unused lines you can safely use, but are not tied to any existing effects.
Constant | Value | Description |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_CHA | 68 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_CHARISMA. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_CON | 62 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_CONSTITUTION. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_DEX | 60 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_DEXTERITY. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_INT | 64 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_STR | 28 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_STRENGTH. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_WIS | 66 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityDecrease with ABILITY_WISDOM. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_CHA | 67 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_CHARISMA. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_CON | 61 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_CONSTITTION. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_DEX | 59 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_DEXTERITY. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_INT | 63 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_STR | 27 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_STRENGTH. |
EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_WIS | 65 | Usual icon for EffectAbilityIncrease with ABILITY_WISDOM. |
EFFECT_ICON_AC_DECREASE | 36 | Usual icon for EffectACDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_AC_INCREASE | 35 | Usual icon for EffectACIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_ATTACK_DECREASE | 30 | Usual icon for EffectAttackDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_ATTACK_INCREASE | 29 | Usual icon for EffectAttackIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_BLIND | 10 | Usual icon for EffectBlindness. |
EFFECT_ICON_BLINDNESS | 56 | Unused by the game (the real one is EFFECT_ICON_BLIND above) - is a purple square so unusable unless you edit effecticons.2da |
EFFECT_ICON_CHARMED | 12 | Usual icon for EffectCharmed. |
EFFECT_ICON_CONCEALMENT | 108 | Usual icon for EffectConcealment |
EFFECT_ICON_CONFUSED | 13 | Usual icon for EffectConfused. |
EFFECT_ICON_CURSE | 22 | Usual icon for EffectCurse. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_DECREASE | 32 | Usual icon for EffectDamageDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ACID | 112 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ACID_DECREASE | 121 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_COLD | 113 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_COLD_DECREASE | 122 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE | 34 | Unused by the game since the specific types are used (even if they all have the same icon they have different names). |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DIVINE | 114 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DIVINE_DECREASE | 123 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ELECTRICAL | 115 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ELECTRICAL_DECREASE | 124 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_FIRE | 116 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_FIRE_DECREASE | 125 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_INCREASE | 33 | Unused by the game since the specific types are used (even if they all have the same icon they have different names). |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_MAGIC | 111 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_MAGIC_DECREASE | 120 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE | 117 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_NEGATIVE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE_DECREASE | 126 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_NEGATIVE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_POSITIVE | 118 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_POSITIVE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_POSITIVE_DECREASE | 127 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_POSITIVE. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_SONIC | 119 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityIncrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX are the same icon file (ief_DamImmIncr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_SONIC_DECREASE | 128 | Usual icon for EffectDamageImmunityDecrease with DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC. Note by default all the EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_XXX_DECREASE are the same icon file (ief_DamImmDecr) but the name is different. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_INCREASE | 31 | Usual icon for EffectDamageIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_REDUCTION | 3 | Usual icon for EffectDamageReduction. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE | 1 | Usual icon for EffectDamageResistance. |
EFFECT_ICON_DARKNESS | 47 | Usual icon for EffectDarkness. |
EFFECT_ICON_DAZED | 17 | Usual icon for EffectDazed. |
EFFECT_ICON_DEAF | 7 | Usual icon for EffectDeaf. |
EFFECT_ICON_DISEASE | 21 | Usual icon for EffectDisease. Note as EffectIcon suggests using this effecticons.2da line makes the health bar brown. |
EFFECT_ICON_DISPELMAGICALL | 48 | This is unused by the game and has an invalid purple icon. |
EFFECT_ICON_DISPELMAGICBEST | 58 | This is unused by the game and has an invalid purple icon. |
EFFECT_ICON_DOMINATED | 15 | Usual icon for EffectDominated. |
EFFECT_SPELL_FAILURE | 110 | Usual icon for EffectSpellFailure. |
EFFECT_ICON_ELEMENTALSHIELD | 49 | Usual icon for EffectDamageShield. |
EFFECT_ICON_ENEMY_ATTACK_BONUS | 11 | While apparently there is coding for this effect, nothing in the game uses it and it's unavailable to scripts. Note the icon itself is green implying a "Good" effect - while the coding suggests the effect would have been negative (things attacking the affected creature get a bonus to hit). |
EFFECT_ICON_ENTANGLE | 5 | Usual icon for EffectEntangle. |
EFFECT_ICON_ETHEREALNESS | 107 | Usual icon for EffectEthereal. Note the name of this icon is "Greater Sanctuary". |
EFFECT_ICON_FATIGUE | 8 | No effect for Fatigue but has a valid icon and TLK string so can be reused. |
EFFECT_ICON_FORT_SAVE_INCREASED | 103 | Usual icon for EffectSavingThrowIncrease with SAVING_THROW_FORTITUDE. |
EFFECT_ICON_FRIGHTENED | 14 | Usual icon for EffectFrightened. |
EFFECT_ICON_HASTE | 25 | Usual icon for EffectHaste. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY | 9 | This effect icon is unused by the game since there are specific EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_XXX versions. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ABILITY_DECREASE | 88 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_ABILITY_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_AC_DECREASE | 92 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_AC_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ALL | 69 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_NONE (which is actually "ALL" and thus applies every IMMUNITY_TYPE_ in the game!). Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ATTACK_DECREASE | 89 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_ATTACK_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_BLINDNESS | 76 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_BLINDNESS. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CHARM | 83 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_CHARM. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CONFUSE | 85 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_CONFUSE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CRITICAL_HIT | 100 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_CRITICAL_HIT. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CURSE | 86 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_CURSE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAMAGE_DECREASE | 90 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DAMAGE_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE | 91 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAZED | 87 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DAZED. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DEAFNESS | 77 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DEAFNESS. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DEATH_MAGIC | 101 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DEATH_MAGIC. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DISEASE | 72 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DISEASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DOMINATE | 84 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_DOMINATE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ENTANGLE | 79 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_ENTANGLE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_FEAR | 73 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_FEAR. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_KNOCKDOWN | 97 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_KNOCKDOWN. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_MIND | 70 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_MIND_SPELLS. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE | 93 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE_LEVEL | 98 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_NEGATIVE_LEVEL. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_PARALYSIS | 75 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_PARALYSIS. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_POISON | 71 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_POISON. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE | 94 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SILENCE | 80 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SILENCE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SKILL_DECREASE | 96 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SKILL_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SLEEP | 82 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SLEEP. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SLOW | 78 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SLOW. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SNEAK_ATTACK | 99 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SNEAK_ATTACK. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE | 95 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_STUN | 81 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_STUN. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_TRAP | 74 | Usual icon for EffectImmunity with IMMUNITY_TYPE_TRAP. Note all EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ icons have the same icon type (ief_Immunity) but different names. |
EFFECT_ICON_INVALID | 0 | Invalid effect icon. |
EFFECT_ICON_INVISIBILITY | 45 | Usual icon for EffectInvisibility with INVISIBILITY_TYPE_NORMAL. |
EFFECT_ICON_INVULNERABLE | 6 | No effect for Invulnerability but has a valid icon and TLK string so can be reused. |
EFFECT_ICON_LEVELDRAIN | 50 | Usual icon for EffectNegativeLevel. |
EFFECT_ICON_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE | 38 | Usual icon for EffectMovementSpeedDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_MOVEMENT_SPEED_INCREASE | 37 | Usual icon for EffectMovementSpeedIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_PARALYZE | 16 | Usual icon for EffectParalyze. |
EFFECT_ICON_PETRIFIED | 109 | Usual icon for EffectPetrify. |
EFFECT_ICON_POISON | 20 | Usual icon for EffectPoison. Note as EffectIcon suggests using this effecticons.2da line makes the health bar green. |
EFFECT_ICON_POLYMORPH | 51 | Usual icon for EffectPolymorph. |
EFFECT_ICON_REFLEX_SAVE_INCREASED | 102 | Usual icon for EffectSavingThrowIncrease with SAVING_THROW_REFLEX. |
EFFECT_ICON_REGENERATE | 2 | Usual icon for EffectRegenerate. |
EFFECT_ICON_SANCTUARY | 52 | Usual icon for EffectSanctuary. |
EFFECT_ICON_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE | 40 | Usual icon for EffectSavingThrowDecrease with SAVING_THROW_ALL. |
EFFECT_ICON_SAVING_THROW_INCREASE | 39 | Usual icon for EffectSavingThrowIncrease with SAVING_THROW_ALL. |
EFFECT_ICON_SEEINVISIBILITY | 54 | Usual icon for EffectSeeInvisible. |
EFFECT_ICON_SILENCE | 23 | Usual icon for EffectSilence. |
EFFECT_ICON_SKILL_DECREASE | 44 | Usual icon for EffectSkillDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_SKILL_INCREASE | 43 | Usual icon for EffectSkillIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_SLEEP | 19 | Usual icon for EffectSleep. |
EFFECT_ICON_SLOW | 26 | Usual icon for EffectSlow. |
EFFECT_ICON_SPELLIMMUNITY | 106 | Usual icon for EffectSpellLevelAbsorption if nTotalSpellLevelsAbsorbed is 0 (unlimited), eg; Spell Globe. |
EFFECT_ICON_SPELLLEVELABSORPTION | 57 | Usual icon for EffectSpellLevelAbsorption if nTotalSpellLevelsAbsorbed is greater than 0, eg; Spell Mantle. |
EFFECT_ICON_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE | 42 | Usual icon for EffectSpellResistanceDecrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_SPELL_RESISTANCE_INCREASE | 41 | Usual icon for EffectSpellResistanceIncrease. |
EFFECT_ICON_STUNNED | 18 | Usual icon for EffectStunned. |
EFFECT_ICON_TAUNTED | 105 | Usual icon when affected by SKILL_TAUNT. Note there is no effect constructor for this although one can now be emulated with EffectIcon. |
EFFECT_ICON_TEMPORARY_HITPOINTS | 4 | Usual icon for EffectTemporaryHitpoints. |
EFFECT_ICON_TIMESTOP | 55 | EffectTimeStop doesn't use this icon (instead the game is paused with a special icon instead of the usual Pause icon). This can be safely reused/replaced. |
EFFECT_ICON_TRUESEEING | 53 | Usual icon for EffectTrueSeeing. |
EFFECT_ICON_TURNED | 24 | Usual icon for EffectTurned. |
EFFECT_ICON_WILL_SAVE_INCREASED | 104 | Usual icon for EffectSavingThrowIncrease with SAVING_THROW_WILL. |
EFFECT_ICON_WOUNDING | 129 | Usual icon for "Wounding" caused by On Hit item properties. Can be replicated with EffectRunScript and this icon can be reused for it. |
This constants group was added in 1.84.8193.29 of NWN:EE.
See Also
functions: | EffectIcon, HideEffectIcon |