GUIEVENT_* Constant Group

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Nwnee logo.jpg Note: This article documents Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition new content or changes/updates/fixes to 1.69 functions. These are all listed under the category and patches pages.

Graphical user interface events which trigger the event OnPlayerGuiEvent and retrieved by GetLastGuiEventType.


Constant Value Description
GUIEVENT_AREA_LOADSCREEN_FINISHED 17 When the player finishes loading into an area. Previously, we would've used a timer and GetArea(oPC) check after clicking a transition.
GUIEVENT_CHARACTERSHEET_FEAT_CLICK 4 When the player clicks on a feat in a character sheet panel.
GUIEVENT_CHARACTERSHEET_SKILL_CLICK 3 When the player clicks on a skill in a character sheet panel.
GUIEVENT_CHATBAR_FOCUS 1 When the player clicks on the chatbar (ready to type but not necessarily typing anything)
GUIEVENT_CHATBAR_UNFOCUS 2 When the players focus on the chatbar is lost (from clicking off, finishing a message, or clicking something else)
GUIEVENT_CHATLOG_PORTRAIT_CLICK 27 When a player clicks on the tiny portrait in the chatlog (to tell someone something directly)
GUIEVENT_COMPASS_CLICK 15 When the player clicks the compass in the bottom right.
GUIEVENT_DEATHPANEL_WAITFORHELP_CLICK 6 When the player clicks on the death panel "Wait for Help" button. The other button "Respawn" is handled through OnPlayerRespawn.
GUIEVENT_DISABLED_PANEL_ATTEMPT_OPEN 14 When the player tries to open a panel that was disabled with SetGuiPanelDisabled.
GUIEVENT_EFFECTICON_CLICK 5 When the player clicks on an effect icon in the top right of the GUI.
GUIEVENT_EXAMINE_OBJECT 23 When a player examines an object.
GUIEVENT_JOURNAL_CLOSE 11 When the player closes the journal.
GUIEVENT_JOURNAL_OPEN 10 When the player opens the journal.
GUIEVENT_LEVELUP_CANCELED 16 When a player cancels their levelup.
GUIEVENT_MINIMAP_CLOSE 9 When the player closes the minimap.
GUIEVENT_MINIMAP_MAPPIN_CLICK 7 When the player clicks on a map pin on the minimap. It won't detect custom player pins.
GUIEVENT_MINIMAP_OPEN 8 When the player opens the minimap.
GUIEVENT_OPTIONS_CLOSE 25 When a player closes their options menu.
GUIEVENT_OPTIONS_OPEN 24 When a player opens their options menu.
GUIEVENT_PARTYBAR_PORTRAIT_CLICK 13 When the player clicks on a portrait in the party bar (far right). Note this does not fire when clicking the big player portrait, but interestingly they can get it to fire on the player if they possess their familiar.
GUIEVENT_PLAYERLIST_PLAYER_CLICK 12 When the player clicks on a player in the player list.
GUIEVENT_PLAYERLIST_PLAYER_TELL 28 When the player clicks on a player in the player list, and selects the tell button
GUIEVENT_QUICKCHAT_ACTIVATE 18 When the player presses V to open the "quick chat" menu
GUIEVENT_QUICKCHAT_CLOSE 20 When a player closes their quickchat menu.
GUIEVENT_QUICKCHAT_SELECT 19 When a quick chat is selected.
GUIEVENT_RADIAL_OPEN 26 When a menu is opened.
GUIEVENT_SELECT_CREATURE 22 When a creature is selected.
GUIEVENT_UNSELECT_CREATURE 21 When a creature is unselected.


This constants group was added in 1.85.8193.30 of NWN:EE.


This constants group was updated in 1.87.8193.35 of NWN:EE. Added GUIEVENT_RADIAL_OPEN.

This constants group was updated in 1.88.8193.36 of NWN:EE. Added new GUI events: GUIEVENT_CHATLOG_PORTRAIT_CLICK and GUIEVENT_PLAYERLIST_PLAYER_TELL.

See Also

functions: GetLastGuiEventType GetLastGuiEventPlayer GetLastGuiEventInteger GetLastGuiEventObject