ITEM_PROPERTY_* Constant Group
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Magical or other properties that can be applied to an item. See the toolset or item property function pages linked below for specifics on each item property.
Constant | Value | IP Function | Description |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ABILITY_BONUS | 0 | AbilityBonus | Increases one of the six primary ability scores. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS | 1 | ACBonus | Grants a bonus to armor class (AC). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS_VS_ALIGNMENT_GROUP | 2 | ACBonusVsAlign | Grants a bonus to armor class (AC) when attacked by a particular alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE | 3 | ACBonusVsDmgType | Grants a bonus to armor class (AC) when attacked by a specific damage type (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for available damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS_VS_RACIAL_GROUP | 4 | ACBonusVsRace | Grants a bonus to armor class (AC) when attacked by a member of a particular racial group (see RACIAL_TYPE_* for racial groups). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS_VS_SPECIFIC_ALIGNMENT | 5 | ACBonusVsSAlign | Grants a bonus to armor class (AC) when attacked by a specific alignment (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic; and Good, Neutral, or Evil). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ADDITIONAL | 87 | Additional | Custom-Implimented Item Properties. Only 'Unknown' and 'Cursed' are pre-defined but may be expanded via .2da. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ARCANE_SPELL_FAILURE | 84 | ArcaneSpellFailure | Modifies the effect the item has on the percent chance to successfully cast a spell while wearing it. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS | 56 | AttackBonus | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus to attack rolls. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS_VS_ALIGNMENT_GROUP | 57 | AttackBonusVsAlign | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus to attack rolls against a particular alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS_VS_RACIAL_GROUP | 58 | AttackBonusVsRace | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus to attack rolls against a particular racial group (see RACIAL_TYPE_* for available racial groups). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS_VS_SPECIFIC_ALIGNMENT | 59 | AttackBonusVsSAlign | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus to attack rolls against a specific alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic; and Good, Neutral, or Evil). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_BASE_ITEM_WEIGHT_REDUCTION | 11 | WeightReduction | Reduces the weight of the item this property is applied to. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_BONUS_FEAT | 12 | BonusFeat | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus feat specific to the item. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_BONUS_SPELL_SLOT_OF_LEVEL_N | 13 | BonusLevelSpell | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus spell slot of a specified level, if the wearer/wielder is capable of casting a particular type of magic (divine or arcane). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_CAST_SPELL | 15 | CastSpell | Casts a spell. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS | 16 | DamageBonus | Grants a damage bonus (see DAMAGE_BONUS_* for damage bonuses). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS_VS_ALIGNMENT_GROUP | 17 | DamageBonusVsAlign | Grants a damage bonus (see DAMAGE_BONUS_* for damage bonuses) against a particular alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS_VS_RACIAL_GROUP | 18 | DamageBonusVsRace | Grants a damage bonus (see DAMAGE_BONUS_* for damage bonuses) against a racial group (see RACIAL_TYPE_* for racial groups). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS_VS_SPECIFIC_ALIGNMENT | 19 | DamageBonusVsSAlign | Grants a damage bonus (see DAMAGE_BONUS_* for damage bonuses) against a specific alignment (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic; and Good, Neutral, or Evil). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION | 22 | DamageReduction | Grants the wearer/wielder damage reduction to a particular damage type (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for damage types). Note damage reduction can normally be passed by weapons or attacks with certain magical enhancement bonuses. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE | 23 | DamageResistance | Grants the wielder/wearer complete immunity to a particular type of damage (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_VULNERABILITY | 24 | DamageVulnerability | Gives the wearer/wielder an inherent weakness to a particular type of damage (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DARKVISION | 26 | Darkvision | Grants the wearer/wielder darkvision (ability to see in complete darkness). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_ABILITY_SCORE | 27 | DecreaseAbility | Gives the wearer/wielder a decreased ability score in one of the six primary abilities. Normally this is the result of a curse. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_AC | 28 | DecreaseAC | Gives the wearer/wielder a decreased armor class (AC). Normally this is the result of a curse. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_ATTACK_MODIFIER | 60 | AttackPenalty | Gives the wearer/wielder a decreased attack roll modifier. This is normally due to a curse. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_DAMAGE | 21 | DamagePenalty | Causes the item, typically a weapon (missile or melee), to inflict decreased damage. Normally cursed items have decreased damage, but damaged, worn, or ruined items may also be affected by this property. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_ENHANCEMENT_MODIFIER | 10 | EnhancementPenalty | Usually denotes a cursed item by applying some sort of negative modifier to an item, typically a weapon (missile or melee). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_SAVING_THROWS | 49 | ReducedSavingThrowVsX | Gives the wearer/wielder a general decrease to all three types of saving throws against a specified effect (e.g. Poison, Fear, Fire, Sonic, etc.) or Universally. This is normally the effect of a curse. Note: Despite the 'generic' constant, the IP Function is the more 'specific' (Contrast below). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_SAVING_THROWS_SPECIFIC | 50 | ReducedSavingThrow | Gives the wearer/wielder a general decrease to a specific type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, Will). This is normally the effect of a curse. Note: Despite the 'specific' constant, the IP Function is the more 'generic' (Contrast above). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_DECREASED_SKILL_MODIFIER | 29 | DecreaseSkill | Gives the wearer/wielder a decreased skill modifier to a particular skill. Normally this is the result of a curse. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCED_CONTAINER_REDUCED_WEIGHT | 32 | ContainerReducedWeight | Grants a magical container reduced overall weight for making heavy things easier to carry. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS | 6 | EnhancementBonus | Grants an enhancement bonus to an item, typically a weapon (missile or melee). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS_VS_ALIGNMENT_GROUP | 7 | EnhancementBonusVsAlign | Grants an enhancement bonus to an item, typically a weapon (missile or melee), against a particular alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS_VS_RACIAL_GROUP | 8 | EnhancementBonusVsRace | Grants an enhancement bonus to an item, typically a weapon (missile or melee), against a particular racial group (see RACIAL_TYPE_* for a racial groups). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS_VS_SPECIFIC_ALIGNEMENT | 9 | EnhancementBonusVsSAlign | Grants an enhancement bonus to an item, typically a weapon (missile or melee), against a specific alignment combination (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic; and Good, Neutral, or Evil). NOTE: As of 1.68, this constant is not spelled correctly in nwscript. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_EXTRA_MELEE_DAMAGE_TYPE | 33 | ExtraMeleeDamageType | Melee weapon counts as an extra damage type for resistance, vulnerability, etc. (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for available damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_EXTRA_RANGED_DAMAGE_TYPE | 34 | ExtraRangeDamageType | Missile weapon counts as an extra damage type for resistance, vulnerability, etc. (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for available damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_FREEDOM_OF_MOVEMENT | 75 | FreeAction | Grants the wearer/wielder the ability to move freely in environments that restrict movements (like that of an area effected by a Web or Entangle spell). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_HASTE | 35 | Haste | Grants the wearer/wielder the benefits of a Haste spell (allows an extra partial action every round (six seconds)). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_HEALERS_KIT | 80 | HealersKit | Makes the item function like a Healers Kit (Requires Confirmation) |
ITEM_PROPERTY_HOLY_AVENGER | 36 | HolyAvenger | Oh, the destruction that can be wrought when found in the hands of a paladin... |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMMUNITY_DAMAGE_TYPE | 20 | DamageImmunity | Grants the wearer/wielder immunity to a particular damage type (see DAMAGE_TYPE_* for damage types). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMMUNITY_MISCELLANEOUS | 37 | ImmunityMisc | Grants one of the following immunities: Critical hits, death magic, disease, fear, knockdown, level/ability drain, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, or sneak attack. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMMUNITY_SPECIFIC_SPELL | 53 | SpellImmunitySpecific | Grants the wearer/wielder immunity to a specific spell. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMMUNITY_SPELL_SCHOOL | 54 | SpellImmunitySchool | Grants the character immunity to any spell from a specific spell school (evocation or enchantment, for example). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMMUNITY_SPELLS_BY_LEVEL | 78 | ImmunityToSpellLevel | Grants the wearer/wielder immunity to all spells of a particular level. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_IMPROVED_EVASION | 38 | ImprovedEvasion | Grants the wearer/wielder the improved evasion special ability (allows them to completely avoid area of effect spells on a successful saving throw, half damage on a failed save, and avoid traps that require reflex saves). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_KEEN | 43 | Keen | Doubles the threat range of a piercing or slashing weapon. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_LIGHT | 44 | Light | Generates light. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_MASSIVE_CRITICALS | 74 | MassiveCritical | A weapon with this property deals additional damage on a successful critical hit, above the normal multiplier. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_MATERIAL | 85 | Material | No innate effect, but may have an effect via scripting. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_MIGHTY | 45 | MaxRangeStrengthMod | Causes a ranged weapon, usually a short bow or long bow, to permit the wielder's Strength modifier to damage due to extra powerful stringing. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_MIND_BLANK | 46 | None | This item property is invalid, since the equivalent is now a Misc Immunity, but this was left in. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_MONSTER_DAMAGE | 77 | MonsterDamage | Only applies to Natural weapons (bite, claw, gore, slam), increasing damage done. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_NO_DAMAGE | 47 | NoDamage | When applied to a weapon (missile or melee) that weapon does not inflict damage. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ON_HIT_PROPERTIES | 48 | OnHitProps | Activates whenever the weapon makes a successful attack against a target. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ON_MONSTER_HIT | 72 | OnMonsterHitProperties | As ON_HIT_PROPERTIES, but only applies to Natural Weapons (bite, claw, gore, slam). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_ONHITCASTSPELL | 82 | OnHitCastSpell | Activates whenever the weapon makes a successful attack against a target. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_POISON | 76 | None | Old item property. Poison is now handled in On Hit: properties. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_QUALITY | 86 | Quality | No innate effect, but may have an effect via scripting. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_REGENERATION | 51 | Regeneration | Grants the wearer/wielder hit point regeneration. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_REGENERATION_VAMPIRIC | 67 | VampiricRegeneration | Grants the wearer/wielder hit point regeneration equal to the damage inflicted by an attack with a weapon (melee or missile) with this property. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_SAVING_THROW_BONUS | 40 | BonusSavingThrowVsX | Grants the wearer/wielder a general bonus to all three types of saving throws against a specified effect (e.g. Poison, Fear, Fire, Sonic, etc.) or Universally. Note: Despite the 'generic' constant, the IP Function is the more 'specific' (Contrast below). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_SAVING_THROW_BONUS_SPECIFIC | 41 | BonusSavingThrow | Grants the wearer/wielder a general bonus to a specify type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, Will). Note: Despite the 'specific' constant, the IP Function is the more 'generic' (Contrast above). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_SKILL_BONUS | 52 | SkillBonus | Grants the wearer/wielder a bonus to a particular skill. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_SPECIAL_WALK | 79 | SpecialWalk | Applies the 'special walk' animation to the user. Only such animation is the zombie walk |
ITEM_PROPERTY_SPELL_RESISTANCE | 39 | BonusSpellResistance | Grants the wearer/wielder spell resistance to a specified degree. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_THIEVES_TOOLS | 55 | ThievesTools | Marks an item as thieves tools used for opening locks and disarming traps. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_TRAP | 70 | Trap | Denotes an item as a trap that can be placed. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_TRUE_SEEING | 71 | TrueSeeing | Grants the wearer/wielder the benefits of a True Seeing spell (see invisible or magically concealed creatures). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_TURN_RESISTANCE | 73 | TurnResistance | Grants the wearer/wielder additional turn resistance. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_UNLIMITED_AMMUNITION | 61 | UnlimitedAmmo | Grants the wearer/wielder unlimited ammunition with a missile weapon that requires ammunition. |
ITEM_PROPERTY_USE_LIMITATION_ALIGNMENT_GROUP | 62 | LimitUseByAlign | Restricts the use of a particular item to a particular alignment group (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_USE_LIMITATION_CLASS | 63 | LimitUseByClass | Restricts the use of a particular item to a specific class (see CLASS_TYPE_* for available classes). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_USE_LIMITATION_RACIAL_TYPE | 64 | LimitUseByRace | Restricts the use of a particular item to a particular racial group (see RACIAL_TYPE_* for available racial groups). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_USE_LIMITATION_SPECIFIC_ALIGNMENT | 65 | LimitUseBySAlign | Restricts the use of a particular item to a specific alignment (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic; Good, Neutral, or Evil). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_USE_LIMITATION_TILESET | 66 | None | Item property was never fully coded into the game but this remnant was leftover. Notably it's probably BadBadReplaceMeThisDoesNothing in nwscript.nss since it matches the order (use by SAlign is just above it) although that just returns an invalid property. It would have limited an item to be used only in a particular tileset, which certainly would be...something (you can script something equivlanet pretty easily however). |
ITEM_PROPERTY_VISUALEFFECT | 83 | VisualEffect | Sets a visual effect on a Melee Weapon |
ITEM_PROPERTY_WEIGHT_INCREASE | 81 | WeightIncrease | Increases the weight of an item by a constant amount. |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress