JsonDump(json, int)

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Nwnee logo.jpg Note: This article documents Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition new content or changes/updates/fixes to 1.69 functions. These are all listed under the category and patches pages.

Dump the given json value into a string that can be read back in via JsonParse.

string JsonDump(
    json jValue,
    int nIndent = -1


The json to dump into a string.
describes the indentation level for pretty-printing; the default value of -1 means no indentation and no linebreaks.


Dump the given json value into a string that can be read back in via JsonParse.

nIndent describes the indentation level for pretty-printing; a value of -1 means no indentation and no linebreaks.

Returns a string describing JSON_TYPE_NULL on error.


NB: The dumped string is in game-local encoding, with all non-ascii characters escaped.


This function was added in 1.85.8193.31 of NWN:EE.


// Debug a objects JSON by printing it to the log.
// If it's a simple object you could also print to the PCs chat window
// with SendMessageToPC.
// In both cases it will clear all non-ASCII characters.
void main()
    object oObject = OBJECT_SELF;
    json jObject = ObjectToJson(oObject);

    // We format it more nicely with indent of 2.
    // Keep it at -1 if you need it to be efficient
    WriteTimestampedLogEntry(JsonDump(jObject, 2));

See Also


JSON Functions