JsonPointer(json, string)

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Nwnee logo.jpg Note: This article documents Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition new content or changes/updates/fixes to 1.69 functions. These are all listed under the category and patches pages.

Returns the element at the given json pointer value.

json JsonPointer(
    json jData,
    string sPointer


json data to query
string pointer, see link below


Returns the element at the given json pointer value.


See RFC6901 for details. Returns a json null value on error, with JsonGetError filled in.


This function was added in 1.85.8193.31 of NWN:EE.


For example, given the JSON document:

    "foo": ["bar", "baz"],
    "": 0,
    "a/b": 1,
    "c%d": 2,
    "e^f": 3,
    "g|h": 4,
    "i\\j": 5,
    "k\"l": 6,
    " ": 7,
    "m~n": 8

The following JSON strings evaluate to the accompanying values:

  ""           // the whole document
  "/foo"       ["bar", "baz"]
  "/foo/0"     "bar"
  "/"          0
  "/a~1b"      1
  "/c%d"       2
  "/e^f"       3
  "/g|h"       4
  "/i\\j"      5
  "/k\"l"      6
  "/ "         7
  "/m~0n"      8

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See Also


JSON Functions