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From NWN Lexicon
Jump to navigationJump to search- ACTION MODE
- AGetPLocalInt
- ASetPLocalInt
- A Simple Quest
- A Simple Quest - Part II
- Aberrations
- Ability
- AbortRunningScript
- Abs
- Ac
- Acos
- Action
- ActionAttack
- ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocation
- ActionCastFakeSpellAtObject
- ActionCastSpellAtLocation
- ActionCastSpellAtObject
- ActionCloseDoor
- ActionCounterSpell
- ActionCreate
- ActionDoCommand
- ActionEquipItem
- ActionEquipMostDamagingMelee
- ActionEquipMostDamagingRanged
- ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmor
- ActionExamine
- ActionForceFollowObject
- ActionForceMoveToLocation
- ActionForceMoveToObject
- ActionGiveItem
- ActionInteractObject
- ActionJumpToLocation
- ActionJumpToObject
- ActionLockObject
- ActionMoveAwayFromLocation
- ActionMoveAwayFromObject
- ActionMoveToLocation
- ActionMoveToObject
- ActionOpenDoor
- ActionPauseConversation
- ActionPickUpItem
- ActionPlayAnimation
- ActionPsionicCharm
- ActionPsionicMB
- ActionPutDownItem
- ActionRandomWalk
- ActionRest
- ActionResumeConversation
- ActionSit
- ActionSpeakString
- ActionSpeakStringByStrRef
- ActionStartConversation
- ActionTakeItem
- ActionUnequipItem
- ActionUnlockObject
- ActionUseFeat
- ActionUseItemAtLocation
- ActionUseItemOnObject
- ActionUseSkill
- ActionUseTalentAtLocation
- ActionUseTalentOnObject
- ActionWait
- Action (datatype)
- Action mode
- ActivateFleeToExit
- ActivatePortal
- AddHenchman
- AddItemProperty
- AddJournalQuestEntry
- AddToParty
- AdjustAlignment
- AdjustAlignmentOnAll
- AdjustFactionReputation
- AdjustReputation
- AdjustReputationWithFaction
- AdvanceToNextToken
- Advanced effect tutorial
- Ai level
- Alignment
- AmIAHumanoid
- AmbientSoundChangeDay
- AmbientSoundChangeNight
- AmbientSoundPlay
- AmbientSoundSetDayVolume
- AmbientSoundSetNightVolume
- AmbientSoundStop
- Ambient sound
- Ammo, Arrow
- Ammo, Bolt
- Ammo, Bullet
- An Introduction To Tile Magic
- AngleToVector
- AnimActionChallengeIntruder
- AnimActionCloseRandomDoor
- AnimActionFindFriend
- AnimActionFindPlaceable
- AnimActionGetUpFromChair
- AnimActionGoHome
- AnimActionGoInside
- AnimActionGoOutside
- AnimActionGoToStop
- AnimActionLeaveHome
- AnimActionLookAround
- AnimActionPlayRandomAnimation
- AnimActionPlayRandomBasicAnimation
- AnimActionPlayRandomCloseRange
- AnimActionPlayRandomGoodbye
- AnimActionPlayRandomGreeting
- AnimActionPlayRandomImmobile
- AnimActionPlayRandomInteractAnimation
- AnimActionPlayRandomMobile
- AnimActionPlayRandomTalkAnimation
- AnimActionPlayRandomUncivilized
- AnimActionRandomMoveAway
- AnimActionRest
- AnimActionShakeHead
- AnimActionSitInChair
- AnimActionStartInteracting
- AnimActionStartTalking
- AnimActionStopInteracting
- AnimActionStopTalking
- AnimActionTurnAround
- AnimDebug
- AnimInitialization
- Animal companion creature type
- Animals
- Animals, Bears
- Animals, Birds
- Animals, Canine
- Animals, Feline
- Animals, Other
- Animals, Paladin Mounts
- Animation
- Aoe mob
- Aoe per
- Appearance type
- ApplyEffectAtLocation
- ApplyEffectToObject
- ApplyPenalty
- ApplyPrismaticEffect
- ArcaneArcherCalculateBonus
- ArcaneArcherDamageDoneByBow
- Area
- Area transition
- Arithmetic and String Operators
- Armor, Heavy
- Armor, Light
- Armor, Medium
- Article.advancedscripting.index.html
- Article.basics.index.html
- Article.beginningscripting.index.html
- Article.bestpractices.index.html
- Article.compilerdirectives.index.html
- Article.conditionalsandloops.index.html
- Article.cut-scenes.index.html
- Article.functions.index.html
- Article.miscellaneous.index.html
- Article.operators.index.html
- Article.primer.index.html
- Article.toolset.index.html
- Article.tutorial.index.html
- Article.writingamodule.index.html
- Asin
- AssignAOEDebugString
- AssignCommand
- AssignPCDebugString
- Assignment
- AssociateCheck
- Associate command
- Associate type
- Atan
- AttachCamera
- Attack bonus
- Attitude
- AutoAlignE
- AutoAlignG
- AutoDC
- Axe, Battle
- Axe, Great
- Axe, One-Handed
- Bag
- Base item
- BashDoorCheck
- Battlefield
- BeginConversation
- Bitwise Operators
- BlackScreen
- Blunt, Club
- Blunt, Flail, Heavy
- Blunt, Flail, Light
- Blunt, Hammer, Light
- Blunt, Hammer, War
- Blunt, Mace
- Blunt, Morningstar
- Body node
- Bodyfalls
- Book
- BootPC
- Bow, Long
- Bow, Short
- Break
- Break Statement
- BringBack
- BubaDragon - Guide to Debugging
- Builders Guide To Horses
- Building Adornments
- CICraftCheckBrewPotion
- CICraftCheckScribeScroll
- CICraftScribeScroll
- CIGetCraftItemStructFrom2DA
- CIGetIsCraftFeatBaseItem
- CIGetIsSpellRestrictedFromCraftFeat
- CIGetSpellWasUsedForItemCreation
- CIUseCraftItemSkill
- Camera mode
- Camera transition type
- CanAfford
- CanAffordIt
- CanCreatureBeDestroyed
- CanSeePlayer
- Case
- Cassowary
- CassowaryConstrain
- CassowaryDebug
- CassowaryGetValue
- CassowaryReset
- CassowarySuggestValue
- Categoryevent.area.html
- Categoryevent.creature.html
- Categoryevent.door.html
- Categoryevent.encounter.html
- Categoryevent.index.html
- Categoryevent.merchant.html
- Categoryevent.module.html
- Categoryevent.placeableobject.html
- Categoryevent.trap.html
- Categoryevent.trigger.html
- Categoryfunction.actiononobject.html
- Categoryfunction.alignment.html
- Categoryfunction.animation.html
- Categoryfunction.area.html
- Categoryfunction.combat.html
- Categoryfunction.combatactions.html
- Categoryfunction.combatinformation.html
- Categoryfunction.conversation.html
- Categoryfunction.coreai.html
- Categoryfunction.coreaitalent.html
- Categoryfunction.cut-scene.html
- Categoryfunction.database.html
- Categoryfunction.debug.html
- Categoryfunction.effects.html
- Categoryfunction.encounter.html
- Categoryfunction.experience.html
- Categoryfunction.function.html
- Categoryfunction.getdata.html
- Categoryfunction.getdatafromcreature.html
- Categoryfunction.getdatafromobject.html
- Categoryfunction.henchmenfamiliarssummoned.html
- Categoryfunction.index.html
- Categoryfunction.inventory.html
- Categoryfunction.itemcreation.html
- Categoryfunction.itemproperties.html
- Categoryfunction.journal.html
- Categoryfunction.lightingeffects.html
- Categoryfunction.localvariables.html
- Categoryfunction.math.html
- Categoryfunction.miscellaneous.html
- Categoryfunction.module.html
- Categoryfunction.modulespecific.html
- Categoryfunction.movement.html
- Categoryfunction.musiceffects.html
- Categoryfunction.pconly.html
- Categoryfunction.perception.html
- Categoryfunction.privatefunctions.html
- Categoryfunction.prototypedbutunused.html
- Categoryfunction.reputationfaction.html
- Categoryfunction.savingthrow.html
- Categoryfunction.server.html
- Categoryfunction.soundeffects.html
- Categoryfunction.spellcastingeffects.html
- Categoryfunction.spells.html
- Categoryfunction.stores.html
- Categoryfunction.string.html
- Categoryfunction.talentsskillsfeats.html
- Categoryfunction.targeting.html
- Categoryfunction.time.html
- Categoryfunction.traps.html
- Categoryfunction.typecastingconversion.html
- Categoryfunction.visualeffects.html
- Celowin - Part III Conditionals
- Celowin - Part II Local Variables
- Celowin - Part IV User Defined Events
- Celowin - Part IX Functions that Return Default Parameters Libraries
- Celowin - Part I The Basics
- Celowin - Part VIII Functions
- Celowin - Part VII Scripting for Items
- Celowin - Part VI Loops
- Celowin - Part V Learning on Your Own Non-NPC Scripts
- Celowin - Part X Henchmen
- ChangeFaction
- ChangeToStandardFaction
- CheckCharismaHigh
- CheckCharismaLow
- CheckCharismaMiddle
- CheckCharismaNormal
- CheckCurrentAction
- CheckCurrentModes
- CheckDCStr
- CheckEnemyGroupingOnTarget
- CheckFriendlyFireOnTarget
- CheckIntelligenceHigh
- CheckIntelligenceLow
- CheckIntelligenceNormal
- CheckIsAnimActive
- CheckIsCivilized
- CheckIsUnlocked
- CheckPartyForItem
- CheckWayPoints
- CheckWisdomHigh
- ChooseTactics
- Civilization
- Class type
- ClearActions
- ClearAllActions
- ClearAllFactionMembers
- ClearArena
- ClearAssociateActions
- ClearMemorizedSpell
- ClearMemorizedSpellBySpellId
- ClearNearbyFriendActions
- ClearObjectVisualTransform
- ClearPersonalReputation
- ClearPersonalReputationWithFaction
- Clothing
- Clothing, Belt
- Clothing, Boots