SqlResetQuery(sqlquery, int)

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Nwnee logo.jpg Note: This article documents Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition new content or changes/updates/fixes to 1.69 functions. These are all listed under the category and patches pages.

Reset the given sqlquery, readying it for re-execution after it has been stepped.

void SqlResetQuery(
    sqlquery sqlQuery,
    int bClearBinds = FALSE


An already prepared SQL query
Tells the VM wether to preserve or clear the binds on the SQL query.


Reset the given sqlquery, readying it for re-execution after it has been stepped. All existing binds are kept untouched, unless bClearBinds is TRUE. This command only works on successfully-prepared queries that have not errored out.


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This function was added in 1.87.8193.35 of NWN:EE.


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See Also


SqlPrepareQueryCampaign SqlPrepareQueryObject SqlBindInt SqlBindFloat SqlBindString SqlBindVector SqlBindObject

 author: Shadguy